One aspect of being based in Western Australia that local landscaping companies have to contend with is the hot, dry climate and the subsequent need to advise clients about the pros and cons of having such weather. Specifically, there will be many plants that either thrive or struggle in Western Australia’s climate and as such it is the former that landscapers will wish to focus on when selecting plants for any landscape design that has been asked for by their clients.
Another crucially important aspect of landscape gardens that professional landscapers in Western Australia will be advising clients on is how to maintain their gardens. Bear in mind, that those gardens will have long hours of sunlight, extreme heat, and negligible rainfall during the summer months, so maintaining them properly will be key to them thriving rather than struggling. Here are seven tips from the garden maintenance professionals at The Lawn Care Man based in Western Australia, to help you maintain your landscaped gardens.
Do As Much Maintenance As You Can In The Mornings
This tip is as much for your benefit as it is for your plants. Rather than expose yourself to extreme heat during the long, hot afternoons, it is better if you get an early start and do your maintenance tasks first thing in the morning when it is cooler. In addition, by watering when it is cooler, plants will benefit more as less moisture will evaporate due to temperatures being lower at that time of day.
Avoid Overfeeding Plants
One issue you want to avoid when it is hot and dry is overfeeding your plants. Some homeowners think their gardens’ plants need more nourishment in hot conditions than normal, however, that is not the case. Feeding your plants normally is the action to follow as overfeeding them can cause more problems than the heat and dryness ever will.
Do Not Mow Your Lawn As Often
In the summer, your lawn is going to grow much faster than it will in winter, and it will therefore seem to need mowing more often. However, if possible, try not to mow your lawn too often to the extent that your grass is always very short. Allowing your lawn to grow a little can help protect it as all its blades of grass act as a shade for each other.
Irrigate Your Garden Sensibly
Just as you do not want to overfeed your garden as previously mentioned, neither should you overwater it. When watering your garden do it in logical order to ensure that every area gets the moisture it needs rather than sections being missed. Also, note our earlier point about watering in the morning as this means more moisture is absorbed by your plants before the afternoon heat has a chance to start evaporating it.
Utilise Mulch
Mulch is one of the most effective means of protecting your plants, especially their roots, from high temperatures and direct sunlight and it also gives them access to moisture, with the added benefit that it is excellent value for money. Different types of mulch such as gravel mulch, bark mulch, or mineral mulch, can be used for different plant types throughout your landscaped garden.
Fertilise Plants Normally
For those plants that you would normally use fertiliser on to support their growth or well-being, there is no need to either increase or decrease the amounts or the frequency of fertiliser they receive. The risk of increasing fertiliser levels when plants have less water available to them is that their internal structures can be damaged.
Provide Additional Shade Where Necessary
We include this tip as it is one of the simplest and easiest to facilitate, and yet it can do so much to help your plants stay healthy through the hot, summer months. Whether you place a screen, fencing, or plant thick shrubs that can each provide a level of shade to heat-sensitive plants, they can all make a positive difference to the maintenance and well-being of your landscaped garden.