When it comes to a pergola or patio, Iron Design Roofing is the expert on knowing how to use them to the best advantage. A pergola is a delightful addition to the home, increasing its value for relatively little cost. It can be used in many ways and positions to give residents a place to relax outside that has a little shelter when needed.
The addition of shade blades will increase the usage of this simple structure as they can provide shelter from light rain, hot sun and, to some extent, the wind. What exactly are shade blades? They are long, narrow blades installed on the roof of the pergola that can be opened or shut. When open, they let in more sun and facilitate the removal of hot air that may gather under the roof.
When shut, they keep out all the sun and any showers. The narrow channel running along the edge of the blade allows light rain to run off. However, should that shower turn heavy, the channel is not deep enough to take it away before it runs over, so shade blades don’t make the pergola completely weatherproof.
However, what can be done with shade blades is to install them on the walls of the pergola that would otherwise either be open or covered with shade cloth. This increases the convenience of the pergola in that it can now keep out unwanted cold wind or showers that blow in under the roof. These blades that form a wall can be closed to keep out the hot sun and glare and to provide shade and privacy when needed.
To create an elegant and convenient outdoor living area, you can put two or more pergolas together and have a combination of shade blades and open beams for the roof as well as for the walls. If you use outdoor furniture that can withstand getting wet, your alfresco dining area can be furnished beautifully, ready for whenever you want to use it.
With a paved or tiled floor, the pergola area can be almost as good as any room in the house to use. It may even be thought better in many ways as in the evenings as a home is often still hot, while outside it is lovely and cool. You can take a meal or drinks out to the pergola and sit in the refreshing cool breeze of the early evening to relax and enjoy your life.
Too many people get into the habit of rushing to and from work and don’t stop to smell the roses. When you have such a wonderful place to relax, you will make more time to do so. This actually makes you a lot healthier as your stress levels go down.