DL Home & Office Renovations

Building Tips & Advice

6 Eco Friendly Landscape Construction Trends

Eco Friendly Landscape

According to Lone Pine Landscapes traditional landscaping construction trends have not always been eco-friendly. For instance, lovely swathes of green lawns not only take a great deal of water to keep in shape, but it also takes a lot of fertilizer and in some cases pesticide to prevent insects from ruining the lawn. In addition, many of our gardening techniques and even some of the traditional plants are derived from Britain, where there is rarely a shortage of water; more like the opposite.

In Australia, the climate is hot and dry for the most part and so those landscaping techniques that require a lot of water are not suitable for our environment. Here are some eco-friendly trends to follow for those who want to add to the environment rather than take from it.

  • Look for a landscaping company that follows sustainable practices. They should replace poor soil with quality soil so your plants grow better without the need for chemical fertilizers that tend to push plants into making sappy growth that insect pests love and gardeners spray with pesticides, another poison.
  • Adding lots of organic matter to the soil not only gives plants essential and natural nutrients but also keeps weeds at bay and helps retain moisture. That’s three ticks for sustainability.


Home Renovation Advice for Flippers

Home Renovation Advice for Flippers

If you are into purchasing homes to renovate and sell at a profit, you have to be ever more careful with your budget so it’s important to get home renovation advice from the experts. Then at the end of the day, you will actually get something back – and hopefully, enough to make the whole deal worthwhile, otherwise you’ll be wasting time, effort and money, not to mention going backwards financially.

It’s important to start from the end and work backwards when working out your budget. Know what good homes like the ones you are buying are bringing in that location so you’ll get a good idea of what you’ll get when you sell.  Then you can subtract the buying price and what you’ll spend on renovations. If your sums don’t add up to a profit, don’t buy that flipper, or find ways to save on the renovations needed.

Once you know it’s a good prospect for a flipper, you can go ahead with peace of mind and enjoy the challenge of renovating. That brings us to the question, what kind of renovations bring the best return on investment?


Going Somewhere?


Collectors or Accumulators

Even if you’re a bit of a minimalist, you will have a collection of something, even though they might be empty beer bottles or drink coasters. Collecting different types of items is usually a hobby of every person. Just watch an episode of “Antique Roadshow” on TV and you’ll see there’s some truth to that claim. Or watch the news when they zero in on a house in which a hoarder has been living. Nothing has been thrown away, including food leftovers from past meals! Yuk! Watch what happens when the removalists arrive.

The Heirlooms

When you have taken a lifetime to collect whatever it is you collect, it’s quite reasonable behavior to get a bit anxious when you decide to move to another house. Somehow, all this stuff has to be packed and come with you. The mere thought of seeing your collection, particularly if they are breakables, and may be handed down to you over the generations, being manhandled by a group of unknown people you hired, might be enough to give you a panic attack.

Hire a Removalist

It doesn’t have to be like that if you get the help of professional removalists, such as Brilliance Removalists Melbourne. They know all about the removal and transportation of your most loved belongings. Let’s have a look at some of the techniques they use to ensure the process runs smoothly. Here are some logical and worthy tips from the experts about moving furniture and all the fiddly bits you’ve dumped into cartons.
